
Voir la version complète : Digium TDM410P - Fax - probléme de reception

04/05/2011, 11h13
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai un petit soucis avec mon imprimante/télécopieur.

Je possède une carte Digium TDM avec :
port n°1 : FXO > Ligne Analogique Belgacom
port n°2 : FXO > néant
port n°3 : FXS > téléphone analogique (ext 943)
port n°4 : FXS > mon imprimante/fax (ext 944)

fax >>> Digium TDM410 port n°4 -> port n°1 >>> Ligne Analogique Belgacom

Je parviens à envoyer des télécopies par la route de sortie analogique.
Mais je ne parviens pas à en recevoir...

-- Starting simple switch on 'DAHDI/1-1'
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:1] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "__FROM_DID=s") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:2] Gosub("DAHDI/1-1", "app-blacklist-check,s,1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:1] GotoIf("DAHDI/1-1", "0?blacklisted") in new stack
-- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:2] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "CALLED_BLACKLIST=1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:3] Return("DAHDI/1-1", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:3] ExecIf("DAHDI/1-1", "1 ?Set(CALLERID(name)=08xxx6211)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:4] Ringing("DAHDI/1-1", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:5] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "__CALLINGPRES_SV=allowed_not_screened") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:6] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "CALLERPRES()=allowed_not_screened") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:7] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "FAX_DEST=ext-fax^944^1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:8] Answer("DAHDI/1-1", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:9] Wait("DAHDI/1-1", "3") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:10] Goto("DAHDI/1-1", "ivr-4,s,1") in new stack
-- Goto (ivr-4,s,1)
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:1] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "MSG=custom/BojourMenu") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:2] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "LOOPCOUNT=0") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:3] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "__DIR-CONTEXT=default") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:4] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "_IVR_CONTEXT_ivr-4=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:5] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "_IVR_CONTEXT=ivr-4") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:6] GotoIf("DAHDI/1-1", "1?begin") in new stack
-- Goto (ivr-4,s,9)
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:9] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "TIMEOUT(digit)=3") in new stack
-- Digit timeout set to 3.000
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:10] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "TIMEOUT(response)=15") in new stack
-- Response timeout set to 15.000
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:11] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "__IVR_RETVM=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-4:12] ExecIf("DAHDI/1-1", "1?Background(custom/BojourMenu)") in new stack
-- <DAHDI/1-1> Playing 'custom/BojourMenu.slin' (language 'en')
== Manager 'admin' logged on from
== Manager 'admin' logged off from
-- Redirecting DAHDI/1-1 to fax extension
== Spawn extension (ivr-4, fax, 1) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/1-1'
-- Executing [fax@ivr-4:1] Goto("DAHDI/1-1", "ext-fax,944,1") in new stack
-- Goto (ext-fax,944,1)
-- Executing [944@ext-fax:1] NoOp("DAHDI/1-1", "Receiving Fax for: TDM410-port4 LEXMARK (944), From: "08xxx6211" <08xxx6211>") in new stack
-- Executing [944@ext-fax:2] Set("DAHDI/1-1", "FAX_RX_EMAIL=nicolas@xxx.be") in new stack
-- Executing [944@ext-fax:3] Goto("DAHDI/1-1", "s,receivefax") in new stack
-- Goto (ext-fax,s,3)
-- Executing [s@ext-fax:3] StopPlayTones("DAHDI/1-1", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-fax:4] ReceiveFAX("DAHDI/1-1", "/var/spool/asterisk/fax/1304434888.14.tif") in new stack
== Manager 'admin' logged on from
== Manager 'admin' logged off from
== Manager 'admin' logged on from
== Manager 'admin' logged off from
-- Auto fallthrough, channel 'DAHDI/1-1' status is 'UNKNOWN'
-- Executing [h@ext-fax:1] GotoIf("DAHDI/1-1", "1?failed") in new stack
-- Goto (ext-fax,h,103)
-- Executing [h@ext-fax:103] NoOp("DAHDI/1-1", "FAX FAILED for: nicolas@xxx.be , From: "08xxx6211" <08xxx6211>") in new stack
-- Executing [h@ext-fax:104] Macro("DAHDI/1-1", "hangupcall,") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:1] GotoIf("DAHDI/1-1", "1?noautomon") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,3)
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:3] NoOp("DAHDI/1-1", "TOUCH_MONITOR_OUTPUT=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:4] GotoIf("DAHDI/1-1", "1?skiprg") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,7)
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/1-1", "1?skipblkvm") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,10)
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:10] GotoIf("DAHDI/1-1", "1?theend") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,12)
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:12] Hangup("DAHDI/1-1", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 12) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/1-1' in macro 'hangupcall'
== Spawn extension (ext-fax, h, 104) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/1-1'
-- Hungup 'DAHDI/1-1'

Meme sans passer par l'IVR ca bloque toujours.

Sur l'autre fax, d'où je fais mes tests d'envoi, il m'imprime une feuille erreur de communication (344).

Je ne parviens pas à comprendre où ça coince...

Merci de votre aide;

04/05/2011, 11h43
Bonjour, vous êtes entrain de recevoir le fax avec receive fax:

-- Executing [s@ext-fax:4] ReceiveFAX("DAHDI/1-1", "/var/spool/asterisk/fax/1304434888.14.tif") in new stack

Je vous invite de désactiver tout la détection de fax et juste faire sonner votre FXS sans le menu IVR.

04/05/2011, 12h09
Merci pour ta réponse

En supprimant juste mon adresse mail dans l'extension du fax, j'arrive à les recevoir dans le dossier /var/spool/astersik/fax mais par contre je ne peux plus en envoyer... lol

04/05/2011, 13h02