ben, je viens d'aller voir:

c'est édifiant.....
The FreePBX Distro is not a GPL or Open Source product. It does install mostly GPL packages and all SRPMs for GPL packages can be found at

You can only use the ISO or USB image as its distributed by Sangoma Technologies. Any modification to the FreePBX Distro itself are strictly prohibited. Copying or using the install scripts of the FreePBX Distro to build a similar product is strickly prohibited and protected by our Copyright. Modifying the FreePBX Distro to work on other enviroments, such as VPS containers, is in violation of our ToS.
(btw, le niveau d'anglais fait penser à un troll, mais c'est sur le site !!!)

donc, freepbx, c'est l'iso ou rien.... et pas opensource, juste freeware....

Vive xivo ;-)